понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Im Moment gibt es nicht viel Neues. Das Leben l�uft sehr angenehm vor sich hin. Meine neue Coolness (TM) habe ich so ziemlich wieder gefunden.

Der Oktober ist mehr als halb rum, das hei�t auch, dass meine Zeit mit meiner HiWI-Stelle zu Ende geht. Echt schade, ich mag die Leute inzwischen sehr und werde sie vermissen.

Samstag waren wir auf der Buchmesse in�Ffm. Mann, was ein�Betrieb. Ich habe mich teilweise richtig aggressiv gef�hlt wegen der Schubserei und Dr�ngelei. Irgendwie ist mir eine studenlange Bummelei durch eine gro�e Buchhandlung dann doch lieber.
Ich hoffe ja ehrlich, dass es n�chste Woche auf der Spiel in�Essen besser wird.

Gestern waren wir dann noch im Herbstwald. Ich habe mir einen Stab f�r die Mittelalterm�rkte gesucht und durch den halben Wald geschleppt. Jetzt trocknet er in der Kammer.

Und jetzt gibtapos;s Spinatpizza.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Since I woke up early and Nate had declared his intention to sleep in until noon I decided to forgo my usual no breakfast rule and head up to Donuts and Bagels for bagels. Iapos;d been meaning to since Friday, but Nate always put it off. So I took a shower and got dressed and put a little makeup on. I walked fast. Yeah. With my ipod. And that Christmas trance CD I like.

It was completely packed, as usual, but they had tons of stuff left, so I got my dozen plain bagels and then went to the grocery store and Longapos;s to see which had the best price on cream cheese. When did cream cheese get so expensive? I swear last year I got a block of it for like $1 but today the cheapest I could get was a tub that I think is about the same size as a block for $2.15. It made me sad.

And then I came back home and turned the broiler on to heat while I went potty and changed back into comfy clothes and washed my face. I just cut my bagel in half and toasted each side for about a minute before putting cream cheese on it. And I ate it with a big glass of cranberry juice while reading an Agatha Christie novel. Best breakfast ever. Well, not quite. I really like it when I make scrambled eggs with bacon and mushrooms and cheese. And I totally want to make a spinach, swiss, and mushroom omlet. But overall, it was yummy. Iapos;m gonna freeze all but three of the bagels.
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A burning desire has consumed me. And it urges me to finish the Twilight Saga on this semester break. I am reading myself crazy. I finished New Moon in two days. The fastest Iapos;ve read a book thus far. Will start with Eclipse tomorrow. Just bought Breaking Dawn yesterday at Powerbooks at the Northwing. I reserved a copy of New Moon too.

I love the series, Itapos;s like Harry Potter all over again. Only, with more romance and gore. And more mature. And less fantasy, but fantasy still is there.

Now, Iapos;m starting to believe Vampires do exist.

must read
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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HoPe this wOrks beta than jUst letting my mInd run wild all oVer sometimes...

Hopefully�i�am able�to releaSe my thOughts better into thIs "nEw frIend of mIne."
Then i shall pRay hard that�thIngs�will�get�off my�mind EASIER and FASTER...

Really dOnapos;t wIsh to keep hOlding on to thIngs thAt doesnapos;t seems tO be mIne anytime nOw...
thEn my gIrls friends�will be the oNes�getting the pRessue from me becAuse thereapos;s notHin much that they can do...
nOt that thEy didnapos;t try, but just thAt�the final still depends on me

I wanted to alSo take thIs chanCe to�THANK all thOse that stand by me all when i was really lost
althOugh soMe of you didnapos;t advise or comment mUch, your accomPany had helps alot too...

I knOw i will be fIne...

SomehOw... Now its difficUlt to forGet thIngs, after all thAt we had been thrOugh...
and I knOw that even when its hEals, it will hurts too... But i jUst need to get "better in tIme."

suppose to be tIme:
11+am on 18 Oct apos;08

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Oh my god. So now i see why things didnapos;t turn out the way i thought it would be. She is now open, you are open, i am open. And you just went straight for the jackpot. Jackpot equals not me.

ok, so now i got it. Iapos;ve got beautiful features. Nice smile. Nice hair. Nice face. But myself? Iapos;m confident, but like everyone Iapos;ve got inscurities also. Like Superman. He is super but what about those green rocks? just like me, my personality. I guess this is the first time that i really didnt get anywhere without my looks. Dont lead me on like that. First i was like "Eugh�Hell no nigga." and then later people where like "OMG" and then i just was like "OH hey." Lol�its weird. So can i just ask you to not come tomorrow like you had said?�Promise me that. Dont learn those dongs please. That would only make me be like "Hey." even more. But your not over her yet, so i dont want to be unhappy and you be like that too. None of us deserve this. And i dont want you to try to replace her with me. I know i will get hurt. Now i might just be damaged but im fixed. We had our fun like we wanted i guess. Ill try to promise myself that ill never get too close too soon with a stranger. That will be my motto�
from now on. You are a lesson learned. And dont look at me like that anymore. I hope you cant tell how i am right now. I think this is why i never let anyone get close to my heart. Regaurdless if youre boy or girl. Its hard to take in that one day ill lose you possibly to anything, it hurts and it sucks. Im just not ready for the next level of whatevers next for being serious. Let me sleep on it and see what happens.

Iapos;ve never gone anywhere serious with anyone for this is the reason why with this.
i thought we could of been serious but now, i see, you just wanted a hook up.
thank god i didnt do what you wanted me to do with you. I give myself respect so im glad for that :)

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Jazzyapos;s Sex Chronicles Part II..lol

(Instead of me itapos;s just gonna be a woman and a man)

She wakes up from her peaceful sleep and notices that� he is still there,� She leans in and kisses him gently not to wake him for she is ready to hop in the shower.� Sheapos;s already naked so she just cuts on the shower water and waits for it to get hot.� She gets in and she begins to soap her body down and as she was over to soap her legs she feels his hands wrapping around her waist.� She stands back up straight and turns around and he stands there smiling.� He and says "hey baby, can I� join�you?"� and of course she says yes.�She begins to put soap on his body as he washes her body with a sponge.� They are secretly lusting after each other and all of a sudden he grabs her and starts kissing her with such passion that she goes weak in the knees.� He picks her up, water�is still going and dripping down their bodies.� He gently kisses and nibbles on her neck.� She wraps her legs around him as he gently slides his dick into�her pussy.� She holds on tight as he goes in and out of her.� She moans softly in his ear as he goes a little faster and�harder.� She digs her nails into his back.� "mmm that feels good baby" she whispers in his ear.� "Take me daddy...harder harder baby... Oo damn..." He picks her up to where her pussy is right in front of his mouth.� He holds her tight and reaches for the knob on the shower cutting off the water.� He immediately�takes her to the bed and lays down�with his tongue inside her pussy.� She holds on to the head board and rides his tongue.� "ooo daddy iapos;m about to... Oooooo " Sheapos;s cumin and heapos;s taking in her sweet tasting juices and licking that pussy cuz it taste sooo good.� She says "mmm baby donapos;t stop...mmm" as he turns her over and goes for the gold.� Heapos;s licking that pussy right.. "damn damn.. Ooo damn baby" He� has her ass clenched in his strong hands as�he thrust his tongue in and out of her pussy.� Sheapos;s on cloud 9 and doesnapos;t want to come down.� She says softly "gimme that dick baby" and he gives her the ok and grabs her legs and puts them in the air�and he slides in softly and then goes in and out in and out in and out faster and faster harder and harder until her pussy is so wet he can hardly stay in.� He grabs her even tighter just to stay in.� Heapos;s pipin that pussy hard.� Her perfect DD breast are bouncin up and� down and her brown nipples are hard.� Sheapos;s playin with her nipples as he� goes in and out of her pussy.� How much longer�can she stand it? After 5 mins of moaning and calling his name she feels it.. "ooo...iapos;m about to cum...oo iapos;m about to..oooooooooooo" He keeps going and 2 secs later he says "ooooo shit.. Iapos;m about to ..." he pulls out and she opens her mouth and takes in�his cum licking and sucking his dick.� She keeps going until he finishes.

PART III? do you want a part III?

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dren min edu.pt

I just got someone who felt like listing my negative qualities

  • I always see the worst in people and I have no faith in humanity
  • Iapos;m incredibly anti-social and apparently it hinders my ability to be "truly" happy
  • Iapos;m vain, self-involved, and self centered
  • Iapos;m sarcastic so that no one will see my true feelings.

Any of these seem a bit contradictory?

Coming from a self-shut-in?


dren min edu.pt.