суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

call celcom tone

HoPe this wOrks beta than jUst letting my mInd run wild all oVer sometimes...

Hopefully�i�am able�to releaSe my thOughts better into thIs "nEw frIend of mIne."
Then i shall pRay hard that�thIngs�will�get�off my�mind EASIER and FASTER...

Really dOnapos;t wIsh to keep hOlding on to thIngs thAt doesnapos;t seems tO be mIne anytime nOw...
thEn my gIrls friends�will be the oNes�getting the pRessue from me becAuse thereapos;s notHin much that they can do...
nOt that thEy didnapos;t try, but just thAt�the final still depends on me

I wanted to alSo take thIs chanCe to�THANK all thOse that stand by me all when i was really lost
althOugh soMe of you didnapos;t advise or comment mUch, your accomPany had helps alot too...

I knOw i will be fIne...

SomehOw... Now its difficUlt to forGet thIngs, after all thAt we had been thrOugh...
and I knOw that even when its hEals, it will hurts too... But i jUst need to get "better in tIme."

suppose to be tIme:
11+am on 18 Oct apos;08

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